mom care

5 Things you can learn About Self-Care from Gardening

If you are someone who absolutely loves to spend your time in a garden full of fresh flowers, you must know how rejuvenating this hobby can be. Gardening for self care is one of the most underrated strategies of all time. There is something about a garden that delights every sense.

The soft dirt between our fingers, the bees humming, and the bright colors of ripening fruits are what make the garden a pleasant place to stay in. There is something about this divine place that teaches us things about life. It teaches us things about life that change who we are. Here are a few things that gardens teach us.

#1. Looking at Things From a Tad Different Perspective

When you hone a garden, you must learn to battle against a plethora of elements. You might have to beat your head against the wall too many times to count.  Gardening teaches you to not give up hope even in the most devastating times and reevaluate and try something new.

#2. The Art of Optimism

Gardening teaches you not to let the failures of the previous year affect the future. It enriches you to trust that the future holds the possibility of better things, new growth, and sunshine.  It will encourage you to make good things happen without giving up.

#3. Staying Alone isn’t Too Bad.

If you are someone who finds it insufferable to be alone, in the quiet, the garden will offer you the courage to cherish the aloneness. Being with the plants would make you feel the satisfaction and pride of a well-tended garden.

#4. Hard Work is the Key to the Locked Door of Happiness

If you are an amateur at gardening, you might know how much time it takes to make a good garden.  The gardens teach you that hard work is the secret ingredient for every good thing in life. The harder you work, the better results you are sure to reap.

#5. The Most Unexpected Things Are Often Beautiful & Magnificent

Even barren lands can transform into beautiful gardens.  Life is short and full of unexpected twists and turns, just like our gardens. When nothing seems to go the way you would want it to, remember your beautiful gardens that were once an abandoned pieces of land.

No doubt that gardening is one of the most effective self care solutions of all time. Try it out if being a busy mom is taking a massive toll on you.

Parenting, Self Care

3 Things Gardening Can Teach You about Self-Care

Self-care is necessary for each and all. With variations like emotional, physical, social, mental, practical, and spiritual, self-care ensures that we are at the culmination of our health and wellness game. Self-care helps to make us relaxed, avoid burnouts, and keep up with a positive attitude.

How to plan your summer gardening now that garden centres have reopened -

If you want to eliminate the toxicity in your life, one practical way is to practice gardening for self-care.  With this practice, you get the power to take care of your overall health and well-being by extending it to nurturing other living things.

Do not Pressurize

Even though bullying someone can make you believe that you can get them to do what they want, it is apparent that you will be less respected. The same goes for the plants. They don’t like to be moved or fiddled with. If you have trained a vine to grow up a trellis, you cannot move it every day. Gardening for self-care makes us understand that it is necessary to nurture each plant and people in their specific right direction to make them grow.

Acceptance is Necessary

Life is not a bed of roses; it demands hard work, efforts, and acceptance of good and bad. Sometimes, you might take a lot of care of a plant, and still, it dies. It doesn’t mean that you haven’t tried enough! Some things are inevitable and need to be accepted. Like growing plants, your life might have inevitable consequences that you need to accept for a better future.

Find your Positive Environment

A sun plant cannot grow if you place it indoors. Similarly, you need to find out your own positive environment for you to grow. It can be a private time with your favorite books or just a lazy evening with mellow music. Whatever it may be, try to surround yourself with positivity by feeding your soul what it loves.

Positive relationships: parents & children | Raising Children Network

If you are a parent, visit Soul Care Mom to get motivation and tips on self-care solutions to become a better person and a parent. Learn how to take care of yourself to take care of your kids and your surroundings. 


What are the Essential self-care tips for busy moms?

There is no denying that mums often put themselves at the bottom of the priority list while juggling through millions of chores and running thousands of errands each day. They keep themselves engrossed in taking care of the people around them so much that they tend to forget their own needs. This can be jeopardizing to your health and that of the people around you. That is when self care solutions come into action.

4 Self-Care Tips for Busy Moms - LatinAmerican Post

Here are a few tips for assisting you in maintaining mindfulness and get into serene practices.

  • Establish a morning routine

This is one of the most critical activities you can indulge in. Train your mind to wake up before the rest of the house and get a head-start on your day. You need to develop a morning routine that equips you for the day ahead, whatever the day brings. Indulge in those activities that you cannot do after your kids wake up.

  • Write a gratitude list.
  • Write in your diary
  • Meditate
  • Go for a walk
  • Read a book
  • Exercise
  • Make time for yourself.

We understand that it can be impossible to take time for yourself, especially when you have toddlers loitering around you.

Gardening is Not Only Fun and Engaging, It Benefits You in Many Ways

However, you can take out a minuscule amount of time to do something you love. For instance, gardening for self care is the best practice if you are in love with your plants.

  • Get some exercise

For your mind to be relaxing, your body needs to soothe and be active as well. That does not necessarily mean you need to take out a gym membership or that you should set yourself a goal to run the marathon next year.

How to Exercise With Kids of Any Age

You must indulge in any form of exercise that builds strength, stamina, and suppleness. It is vital for both your body and mind.

These tips are sure to help you moms indulge in self-care tips.